
Showing posts from March, 2020

Episode #11 - Jenny Currier, Girls Rock RI, Dave Ursillo

Hello and welcome to Artclectic New England – this is Episode #11 -- it’s a program not about a particular style but a celebration of many…I’m your host, Dennise Kowalczyk.   When I moved to RI from OR in 2018, I was over the moon to discover a community filled with arts, culture, lifestyle and adventure.  This podcast was created to celebrate…spotlight…and elevate the variety of incredible arts, culture, lifestyle, and beauty found here in New England. One of the reasons I moved to RI – sight unseen – was found in that research. Arts, culture, and the humanities are as important as sunshine and refreshing air to breathe to many who live here. It is my intention to explore and share some of my discoveries with you – the listener – so thanks for tuning in! On today’s show, Maureen Taylor of shares some background on the  iconic structure, Temple of Music, and local stand-up comic, Kristen Ferreira shares her musings about living the new normal…I...

A new contributor and a new website!

I am pleased to share that Lulu Amirault will be joining me in providing some expanded coverage of arts, culture, humanities, and lifestyle for my podcast, Artclectic New England ! She will be reaching out to various organizations and individuals to conduct blog interviews. Please join me in welcoming her and thanking her for her willingness to help spread the good news about our thriving arts community here in the Ocean State and beyond! "At heart, Lulu is a pop culture and online media enthusiast. She's always had an interest in online media, from scrolling the Instagram explore page for hours on end to creating social strategies for local businesses to writing for the national publication Her Campus. As a fan of classics and media communications, she has an affinity for recognizing the ancient patterns in our modern culture (and could talk about this for hours). In her free time, she loves to bullet journal, read fiction, and spend way too much time scrolling Twitte...