Writing and the day job

I took my very first class with Frequency Writers this past weekend at What Cheer Writers Club and what a fantastic class it was!

Frequency is a growing community of writers based in Providence, Rhode Island. Through workshops, free events, talks, readings, and open mics, they aim to engage writers of all levels of experience, ages, and backgrounds. The studios they offer are both to challenge and support students, while also encouraging collaboration with other local creative communities. Frequency is a moving creation of the people in it.

Kristen Falso-Capaldi is a writer and teacher who served as our instructor for the four hour session on how to manage your time so you can prioritize your writing. There were nine of is in the room and each of us came with our own unique story as to why we want to write and what prevents us from doing it.

I walked away with a fantastic reading list and share it here with you (thanks, Kristen!) if you are interested in learning more about the craft of writing or ideas around time management:

Personally, I struggle with doing too much, having so many ideas and feeling overwhelmed, fears around sounding stupid - you know, those kinds of ridiculous/real things.  I did leave the session with some very concrete ideas around planning my week to include scheduling writing time - even for just 30 minutes.  I am going to come up with my 'manageable tasks' and put them on my day planner and on my digital calendar.

I am also excitedly looking at the possibility of participating in the National Novel Writing Month in November so I can work on my personal development book called Direct Living. I am also looking at joining a writer's group to get my game on.

Kristen was chock full of great ideas and reminded me of something that changed the way I create: The Artist Way by Julia Cameron.  If you haven't read that book and are looking at tapping into your creative core, now is the time to do it!

Frequency Writers offers all kinds of classes (you can learn a bit more about that by listening to my interview with board chair, Rekha Rosha.  It is a fantastic organization this is trying to change the world by helping people find their writing mojo.


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